Delivery Scheduling

  • All major deliveries and moves to and from 701 Brickell must be scheduled with the Management Office at least 24 hours in advance.  
  • All moves must be scheduled during non-business hours, after 7:00 PM Monday through Friday, all day Saturday, all day Sunday.  There shall be an additional charge for all after-hour services which includes having a building representative in the building.
  • The Moving Company must have the required minimum insurance coverage and add Landlord and its agents as additional insureds on its Certificate of Insurance.  Please contact the Management Office at (305) 423-4701 for information on required insurance coverage and additional insureds.  The Certificate of Insurance must be submitted to the Management Office prior to the move.  
  • Cushman & Wakefield reserves the right to reasonably withhold approval of individual moving contractors.
  • Moves by company employees are not permitted.  Protection of the building carpets, walls, and elevators are required and must be provided by moving contractor.
  • To schedule your delivery after normal hours, please contact the Management Office at (305) 423-4701.  
  • Note that the information necessary to schedule the after-hours delivery is:  delivery company name, number of trucks, date of delivery, start time of delivery, completion time of delivery.   All scheduling must be provided by an authorized tenant contact person. 
